Preparing the scene for Maxwell |
The names of textures should be no gaps and Cyrillic!
Since Maxwell Render is Stand Alone, it does not matter in what you were doing a scene editor. Show an example 3d Max 2009. Select in the editor file-> export ...-File Type

Settings exporter:

- Select a camera to render if set to default, it is not, after the selection, press Set Active
-Pack `n Go - works like the Resource Collector
-Animation - for animation. MXS will create the file for each frame, render settings only need to set the frames for the animation:

In the setting of Maxwell render, select the desired Sampling Level, Time will be ignored. As a result, you will receive pictures and files MXI. |
Preparing scene for 3d max + vray |
The names of textures, proxy, XRef should not have gaps or spaces!
Important: If a VrayIES light source has values other than those that are defined in ies-file and network render has been reconfigured, than the intensity is set to default in ies-file. The same happens in PhotometricLight sources, but there is a solution: adjust the power as a percentage of the initial power.
Editing broken IES settings is an additional service, please look in the "Services and prices" section. In 3d max 2011 PhotometricLight problem has been solved.
Scenes are taken in the form of an archive that includes the very scene, textures (proxy, HDRI, saved calculations of Irradiance Map and Light Cache - optional).
Additionally, we have ColorCorrect and VRayScatter plug-ins installed. The installation of additional plug-ins is negotiated separately with the operator. Set up the scene, including the rendering parameters. Follow these guidelines.
1. To save the scene with the resources, select

2. Proxy, this method does not copy to the target folder, move them manually.
3. If you have used XRef in the scene, it is better to Merge them to the scene, which will make it less likely that there will be defective textures.
4. During file openning or Asset Tracking (Shift + T)

there are lost the textures:
- If they are important, find them
- If they are not important, please specify "Ignore lost texture" in the order form.
It will save your time, our operator's time which he would spend to communicate with you, and will accelerate your rendering results.
5. Compress the folder with the project in any convenient manner.
As a result, you will get: a file with the scene and the necessary resources for it in one folder.